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Mobile Commerce

With mobile devices becoming more prevalent than computers, M-Commerce is now a top priority for e-retailers. It is also poses significant challenges because of the sheer complexity of the mobile landscape.

The Drupal Commerce approach to M-Commerce is based on responsive storefronts and native app-friendly data services. Responsive storefronts adapt to any device in real time. App-friendly data services allow Drupal Commerce websites to push data and interact with mobile apps using standard protocols. Drupal Commerce is also able to leverage QR codes and SMSs.

Responsive design: one storefront, any device
With Zen, the responsive, mobile-first theme based on HTML5, CSS3, and mobile, fluid grids, e-retailers gain increased control and interoperability over their storefronts. The result is storefronts that adapt to any mobile device: smartphone, tablet, or laptop.

Native app-friendly data services
Drupal Commerce is fully compatible with Drupal Services, a standardized solution to external applications developed for Drupal. Services allows Drupal Commerce to exchange data with native apps using multiple interfaces like REST, XMLRPC, JSON, JSON-RPC, SOAP, and AMF.

Leverage QR Codes
QR codes are now key to connecting the real world and the virtual world. Using Drupal's QR code modules, Drupal Commerce is able to generate QR codes as well as bind them to Drupal nodes and beyond.

Use SMS to communicate with your customers
Drupal Commerce interfaces with popular SMS gateways, allowing messages to be sent and customers' mobile information to be collected, checked, and stored. Users can also send nodes and portions of nodes to mobile devices.

Transition to mobile without friction
Running Drupal Commerce on mobile platforms does not require a scaled-down version. The lack of assumptions in the design of Drupal Commerce makes it mobile-proof. Developers can build tailored eCommerce experiences without having to disassemble a solution that was originally conceived for the computer and without having to re-develop features that were not tested and optimized for mobile.

Ready for context-aware e-Commerce
Drupal Commerce is the platform of choice for innovators who want to leverage context-aware eCommerce. The Context module and the Chaos Tools suite allow developers to take context into account and modify Drupal's behavior and the user experience accordingly.

Flexible & Proven
Drupal Commerce does not use another branch or version when running on mobile devices: The same code base is used, with just a few options to make it relevant on a mobile platform. The core strengths of Drupal Commerce are left unchanged, remaining as flexible and proven as ever.

Please contact us to talk about how we can fulfill your Mobile Commerce requirements today.