Android-Drupal Marriage
Submitted by skyred on
The goal of this blog is to envision us to build interesting application beyond a website or a simple mobile application, by using the platforms that are already available to us.
Submitted by skyred on
The goal of this blog is to envision us to build interesting application beyond a website or a simple mobile application, by using the platforms that are already available to us.
Submitted by skyred on
Submitted by skyred on
URL url = new URL(""+contents);
//URL url = new URL("");
/* Get a SAXParser from the SAXPArserFactory */
SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser();
/* Get the XMLReader of the SAXParser we created. */
XMLReader xr = sp.getXMLReader();
Submitted by skyred on
* Skyred
* 2006-10-27
* This program creates a shell for a user to execute explicit
* commands. The parent reports the identification numbers of it and the child.
* > < | & are implemented
#include /* file of data types needed for many compilers */
#include /* needed for fork, getpid procedures */
#include /* needed for perror */
#include /* needed for exit */
Submitted by skyred on
Submitted by skyred on
Special thanks to Corey Langseth for editing the English version of this article and special thanks to Tianqi Zhang for editing the Chinese version.
Submitted by skyred on
Update: I wrote this Econ paper in 2007 while I was still in college. At that time, I didn't even have installed Drupal. Thanks for the comments!
The market of CMSes has become hotter since the web 2.0 movement. Drupal and Joomla the top 2 open source CMSes are consolidating in the market. This consolidation could be beneficial to software giants Microsoft and Google; therefore Microsoft and Google could secretly finance Drupal and Joomla.