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Case Study: Launching Inventory Control System with Commerce 8.x-2.0-alpha4 on Drupal 8.1

One of our clients recently became interested in taking their inventory control system to a next level. They were offered a solution to go with an out of shelf ERP system. However, it's a requirement that the client has to change the business operation in order to meet the workflow and implicit technical requirements of the ERP system.

Containerize Zen Style-guide Driven Development

The latest version Zen 7.x-6.x adopted Style-guide Driven Development approach. For those who are not familiar with the Style-guide Driven Development, you should watch John Albin's presentation. The new aGov distribution theme is also built on top of Zen 7.x-6.x. Style-guide Driven Development is awesome, and the latest Zen 7.x-6.x will be released very soon. However, getting started with subtheming Zen 7.x-6.x can take a lot of learning.

One approach to implement the progressive decoupled Drupal 8

There are a lot of discussion online addressing the benefit of a progressive decoupled Drupal. You can read more at Should we decouple Drupal with a client-side framework? I have been thinking about how to implement this new feature for Drupal. Today, I am going to take a front-end theming approach, and write down my ideas of steps and iterations for the actual implementation below:

Update your Nginx config to support Drupal 8

If you are running Drupal 7 on Nginx, the good news is that your existing Nginx configuration is almost fully compatible with hosting Drupal 8. Except one thing: Drupal 8 Update module has been re-implemented, and your existing Nginx configuration will probably return 404. For more details on Drupal 8 Update module change, please see Move update.php back to a front controller.

The change matters to Nginx config is that Drupal 7 update.php URL is like

Testing a new Drupal 8 installation with 2 Docker commands

While I was mentoring GSoC 2015 Hawk Auth project, we wanted to test the project in D8 sandbox often. doesn't help here, because Hawk Auth uses Composer Manager to download extenal PHP library. (Another project using this set up is Commerce for D8.) There is an issue of supporting Composer in queue, but it hasn't been followed up.

Watch Drupal 8 Release Progress on Your Android Wear

Recently, I started building new projects on Drupal 8. Everyday, I spent some time on checking the progress of a few D8 issues that I needed and the overall D8 progress. I thought it might be fun to have some progress numbers to show up on my Moto 360 Watch, and it's almost Christmas, so I decided to build my own Watch Face for Android Wear to monitor Drupal 8 Release.

The version 1.0 release of this watch face looks like the picture below

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