Our new office in Shanghai, China
Submitted by willkaxu on
Please see the video about our new office in Shanghai, China. We are excited to do Drupal and Android development here!
English version on YouTube
Submitted by willkaxu on
Please see the video about our new office in Shanghai, China. We are excited to do Drupal and Android development here!
English version on YouTube
Submitted by skyred on
I am not hosting administration expert, nor intent to make this tutorial post as generic as it would work for everybody. Since the stack: Nginx + PHP-FPM + APC + Memcache + Drupal 7 is quite on the cutting edge at the moment (Oct.2010), and there is not many 'master' tutorials available. Therefore, I am writing down my notes here for sharing.
This note is also reviewed and improved by Eric E Moore from Brandorr Inc
I got a bare-bone Debian 5 from linode.com, then, here is how it goes:
Submitted by skyred on
You need the background of open source, iPhone, Android, Google, Apple before you can understand the point that I am trying to make here.
News: 1.) In April, 2010: AdMob: Android Passes iPhone Web Traffic In U.S.
News: 2.) In May, 2010: Android Surpasses The iPhone In The United States
Submitted by skyred on
At Union Beer Distributors, sales representatives send out many sign/poster requests to their internal sign shop every day. The sign shop used to ask the sales reps to fill out a paper form in order to start the process. Later on, any issues during the producing process are solved by phone calls, emails, or in-person communication. As you can imagine, this approach can easily get out of control with small problems. Therefore, a centralized, and streamlined system is needed.
Submitted by skyred on
The goal of this blog is to envision us to build interesting application beyond a website or a simple mobile application, by using the platforms that are already available to us.
Submitted by skyred on
Submitted by skyred on
URL url = new URL("http://craftbeerguild.net/mobile.json?barcode="+contents);
//URL url = new URL("http://www.anddev.org/images/tut/basic/parsingxml/example.xml");
/* Get a SAXParser from the SAXPArserFactory */
SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser();
/* Get the XMLReader of the SAXParser we created. */
XMLReader xr = sp.getXMLReader();
Submitted by skyred on
* Skyred
* 2006-10-27
* This program creates a shell for a user to execute explicit
* commands. The parent reports the identification numbers of it and the child.
* > < | & are implemented
#include /* file of data types needed for many compilers */
#include /* needed for fork, getpid procedures */
#include /* needed for perror */
#include /* needed for exit */
Submitted by skyred on
Submitted by skyred on
Special thanks to Corey Langseth for editing the English version of this article and special thanks to Tianqi Zhang for editing the Chinese version.