skyred 发布
You need the background of open source, iPhone, Android, Google, Apple before you can understand the point that I am trying to make here.
News: 1.) In April, 2010: AdMob: Android Passes iPhone Web Traffic In U.S.
News: 2.) In May, 2010: Android Surpasses The iPhone In The United States
News: 3.) Comparing to last year, Android Grows 1100% Year-Over-Year [ADMOB]
1.) How many people foresee this growth rate for Android? Not many at all. In Late 2009, Intomobile research suggested that Android would out sale iPhone by 2012. So this prediction is Wrong!
2.) How many people understand the strategy of Android? Not many at all. In the beginning 2010, Goldman Sachs predict that Nexus One would have a huge sale in FY2010; that’s a lie, too; So, how could Android keep growing super fast without selling Google’s own phone?
3) Why would many people always get wrong about Google Android? Because current MBA programs don't understand Open Source strategy:
This is counter-intuitive to the traditionally trained MBA who is taught to generate a sustainable competitive advantage by creating a closed system, making it popular, then milking it through the product life cycle. The conventional wisdom goes that companies should lock in customers to lock out competitors.